State Theatre Chicago, 21/02

I guess we're not in Nashville anymore?

Rocko and I are met by local friend and Hammond engineer Paul.

He takes us all the way across town to his newly acquired showroom, situated in the old Hammond factory. 

In fact he has Laurens Hammond's office too!

On display are some perfectly restored and fully operational models...

 A real treat - thanks Paul!

Go check it out here

But it's back to work and Jet gets serious about the money!

But wait..another organ!

This Wurlitzer was in stalled 1919 to provide the soundtrack for silent movies shown in this ornate old movie palace.

Back to soundcheck and the band are rocking!

Rollie gets counting shirts in the trailer..

And Mr.W takes the reigns for a blinding rendition of Had to Cry...

Miss Lilly and her bang remind us of One Big Sky...

Just in time to nip out for a classic burger at Billy Goat's with Brendoni and Paul, who treats us!

Thanks fella. 

And it's showtime!!!

Rocko gets mixing - Bang Tidy!

And as we collect the last bits from merch, Brendoni notices they're taking down the sign.
He asks them if they could stop and take a photo..

And back to the bus with the riddim section...



Pip Helix said…
That was a perfect capture of the review on the marquee! LOL

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