Ottawa Blues Festival of Blues 14-07-10

We wake outside a War museum in sunny Ottawa.

The beautiful old city in the distance provides a rather picturesque backdrop.

I only wish I'd had time to visit.

The festival has been on for about 9 days as we hit the stage and has a lare contingent of volunteers.

Our stage hands are given to us by Mark and are eager to help. Josh, Jay, Mark, Connor and others whose names I never got to learn.. jump to it!

Samantha, our back stage security volunteer introduces herself to Steve as his neighbours grand daughter from where he grew up.
It seems she knew his father too, small world.
They have a good old natter about this and that while waiting for the stage.

With lunch calling it's time to hit the 'Mess' for our canteen style vitals!

The gig is a storming success with the audience going wild.. I'm told we had a better crowd than Kiss!

With our gear packed away and showers received by the sweaty.. it's time to take a case of beer to the hard working stage volunteers and have beer.
They are joined by a couple of others including Kimberly who, liking my accent, required me to swear.. I obliged with a "blast" and "crikey"!

Drinks were well received and we all have a good after work drink and chat... nice end to a nice day.

If you read this guys... that's 4.25 ;)


Samantha Nickerson said…
Love it! Nice pics Jay!!
Anonymous said…
I saw Steve on July 15th, in MOntreal,, great show. Can you post the name of his two drummers?
Jason Jervis said…
Glad you enjoyed the show..

See comments for Indiana for full band line up ..

Anonymous said…
Thanks Jason. I had a friend who thought Steve Gadd was playing..he know stands corrected. I posted a mini-review of the concert here
if you're interested.

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