Prudential Center,Newark.. New Jervey 7/12/13

Another day, another arena! 

It's time to play fit the roadie in the box...Bo wins!

Jose gets trimming his fingertips... 

Boomerang stylee

James, late to the party, comes second!

Bo on his lap of Victory.. The crowd goes wild!!!

But we have work to do...

Pudding to eat!

Business to attend to,

And some fine Rock and Roll to entertain..

Then its back to our hotel in NYC,

And out for a drink with Paul's fiancé..


Anonymous said…
Pip Helix says:
Oh, what a gorgeous couple in the last photo!
I mean Joe and Bo, of course. ;-)
Anonymous said…
Pip Helix says:
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Jason. A healthy and happy new year to you all as well.

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