Oh Vienna! 30/09/10

And so we awake with the fresh scent of Viennese air and a hunger for the noble sausage of Vienna.

Jet, Steve and your humble narrator venture forth!

I appears that a clutch of Besiktas football fans from Turkey are present in the square.

They are quite jubilant in their gathering.

We stop for coffee and apple cake at a street cafe, ooh how lovely that was!

We also find a fashionable tweed emporium with a rather excitable owner who expounds his views to our captive audience. Always nice to find a good knowledge of tweed and shoes in Austria.

And finally our goal is reached and a hollowed log of bread filled with a spicy sausage is devoured with relish by the adventurers.

Jet finds a moment to reflect at a street with a rather amusing name.. oh how we laughed!

So it's back to our hotel via the Soviet monument - celebrating liberation from the Nazi's in 1945.

A very sobering moment indeed... it's amazing how much history there is out there.

Before leaving Vienna, band and crew congregate at a fab restaurant and it's schnitzels all round!!


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