Apolo...Where's Starbuck?

Time to take another ride in the 'Truck of Love'..........

After some initial confusion as to where we unload.
We open the back, flip the tail lift and the pavement fills up nicely.

After a successful load in and build we relax back stage....

The promoters assistant Margerie sets us up with a production office and shows us bags of food and promises food soon....the catering senorita had popped out for provisions.

Ah yes it's my favourite tea: Hornimans....

Richard contemplates with me whether to have a cup, while Jose adds the mystical satsumas of decision.

Simon making sure his brains haven't fallen out of the back of his head......again.

Little boy blue, Duck Poe ladies and gentlemen, senoras y senoritas!

A rocking gig with a lot of fans nodding immediately as Secrets blasts forth from the PA.


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