Ich bin Hamburger!!!

After I had taken my morning constitutional, I met with Simon at the local patisserie.
The shop owner seemed to appreciate my grasp of his mother tongue, and grunted his replies to my request for sticky buns.

We arrive at the venue and the load-in is as smooth as last night's pilsner.

With help from Karl, Marcus, Erich and LD Axl, all was set for a sell-out show.
(Marcus left, Karl right, Erik below)

Whilst setting up, we were accompanied by the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra rehearsing Beethoven's 5th for their 30th anniversary concert.

What a blinder! The rafters were roaring. Applause for the band members after their respective solos in "Light Up" was tumultuous.

The fans were out in force and we were greeted by them on the load-out.
So big hi to 'Stuart' and her husband and also Friedrich-Wilhelm.


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